with the kind support of

a treatment by Gustavo Leme
Before anything else, before any word that could describe a proposal to approach such an exciting idea, I would like to present an exercise that we made based on and inspired by the mood video created by the agency.
This research and editing work is a way for us to explore new nuances, possibilities and subtleties in a project like this. It has excesses, with deliberate redundancies. But, everything is useful for us at the moment we are in. The idea is strong and powerful. For a job that needs so much care, maybe it's not time to close a path. But learn a little more until it's time to shoot, to look at it with attention and affection. It's a film about our humanity, about our strength, fear, love - and it requires soul and clarity to face it with all the forcefulness - and lightness - that it asks for.
Please watch.
Thank you all.
A mood video by Gustavo LemeOur experiment:
This job demands full attention to details. Details that are in the gestures of our characters. Any word about rules and recipes of how to capture such emotions would be a lie. There is a lot of effort though, based on empathy and on the experience of knowing how to look. This is the director's role.
The plot carries a beautiful twist, an inversion, it shows the eldest is not necessarily the wisest. The fear of our finitude causes anxiety and anguish. There is also the fear of pain. The fear of whatever will take place at the chemotherapy session.
Knowing we can face that through the eyes, strength, and words of a child that has already been there, makes this a unique piece.