Before the first chemotherapy session, the minds of the patients wander out as they picture some good and bad hypothesis: hospital and hospitalization, lights, doctors, etc. All of which is presented in flashes and artistic compositions. Everything is fast and pretty graphic. The background sound is crucial to make up the drama, the tension, and the anguish of the characters. Patients are never alone. It never happens.

At home or at the hospital, there is always someone offering support, i.e.: husband or wife, father or mother, son or daughter. These people suffer alongside them. It's time to get ready to go to the hospital. It's a hard moment. It's definite: it's starting off. At that moment, the mirror, the moving car, everything composes the memory of the most terrible moment yet, the place where they will be informed about the cancer.

This also comes by in flashes, enriching the stories and adding more density to the narrative. All the details on the way, the preparation and the context make the film a more powerful and visceral piece, as this project demands and deserves. In the waiting room, on the first day of chemo, there is always a moment of orientation. And today, these patients and the supporting family members will be given a different and special orientation.

The child comes in. Nobody understands what is happening. They are waiting for a doctor, focused on their anxiety. And it is the child that talks to them, in a simple and careful manner. The scene overfloods with excitement. As the child speaks, new flashes from the battle and the overcoming of each one of them pops up. This is the trigger we were waiting for. Eventually, we will show the patients in their first chemo session, which had not been shown yet. They will face it with hope, with their heads held up high and more prepared and aware of the battle they will fight.